My daughter
when you get to the place of power
Be honest and just in your service
Knowing fully well that you will give
Account of yourself someday
Don't embezzled public funds
Just because your predecessors did so
Break the jinx and make a difference
Don't close your ear at the cry of the poor
For angels could be disguised to test your faith
Embibe reading culture that you may excel in all
Be humble and prudent
Think before you act
Live in peace with everyone
Remember the Lord your God
For He is the one that giveth you wealth
Don't dump your family for any reason
Give your children quality education
Teach them their mother tongue
And help them to grow in grace and
In the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
Don't be afraid of challenges of life
For they are ladder you must climb to succeed
This is my kandid advise to you Mohadapwa Precious Elkanah;postID=3495257470481710564