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Monday, August 3, 2015


"One of the key beliefs for effective leadership is to be madly in love with all the people you are leading"~Ken Blachard
There has never been a leader without a follower and there can never be a success story between the two unless love prevails.
Loving your followers as a leader doesn't limit you from becoming great but rather it motivate your followers to be productive in your organisation,  ministry, business and religious centres.
Love helps you to find remedy to any problem you encounter in leadership rather than finding faults among the people you are leading.
Love brings about respect in leadership.  As a leader,  relate with your followers as friends and not servants. Be polite in addressing them because you never can predict someone's future today's follower could be your leader tomorrow so respect them no matter what.
You don't change people's mind by what you say  but you inspire change in their hearts by the life you live so portray love in your leadership and you will see the power of followership.

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