Children are God's blessing to us as parents but once this same children lack parental care they become a reproach not just to the family but the entire body of Christ.
Train up a child in a way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it-Prov.22:6
Your responsibilities as Christian parents is not just to provide food and shelter to your children but to also train them in a godly way and correcting them when necessary.
Parents must also live a good life before desiring their children to do better than them because he who teach must be more knowledgeable than his students. If you don't want your child to smoke cigarette then don't smoke, if you want him to respect people you too must lead by example, Or if I may asked, what legacy are you laying for your children as parents ? do you have time for them? Do you teach them how to respect people? and when last did you even pray as a family? If you are not taking a proper step in building your home I wonder the kind of character your children will exibit when they advance to another phase of life. " Better is a man that has no child than the father that doesn't share his time with his children; time to study the bible, time to pray, and time to plan for a better tomorrow" .
Monitor their activities: the movies they watch, the books they read, the cloth they put on, the places they visit and the friends they hang around with and If you discover any negative behavior in your child, then it should be a time for you to bring him to God rather than crying or cursing your child. Always use the bible in counseling him,don't be furious in your approach.
Before you take such steps in bringing a lasting change to your son's situation, I will like to share with you the story of a boy that raped an innocent girl of four; it's a pathetic story but there are lessons to learn I believe you will learn a lesson in it.
This boy misbehaved under the influence of his evil brothers that were so addicted to pornography videos . The boy usually watched together with his brothers whenever their parents aren't home. So, one day he decided to practice that evil he learned in those pornography videos and that was how the innocent girl was abused. Can you see the devil's operation in homes that lack parental presence?What will it profit you when you become so busy about the things of this world and leave your children in a state of
Time is precious in every christian family. As a mother, you need to have time with your children. Teach them how to cook, if possible let there be division of labour among them. Let the first daughter be in kitchen with you( mother), let the male child wash his father's clothes, let others clean up the house. This is not punishment but a training that will bring change and respect to them in future becouse sooner or later they will be parents to their own children.
Finally, let there be a good relationship between parents and their children. Let the children also obey their parents so that they may live long.
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