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Saturday, November 5, 2016


Nzobyalata Hama Bachama is a title in Bwatye Kingdom which means "The King's Spokesman" and Because of the sensitivity of this unique title I here by dedicate this poem as an encouragement to the title holder and the glory of Bwatye Kingdom. The poem will be featured in the volume Two of "Simple Poems in Kwaabwatye " along side with all title holders in Njiya Bwara... BWATYE has a rich culture that must be preserved.

Ndawa byelo wak
Gokulo suno jiimo homun
Vrato le nzason
Homun  mwakan
Nzomei mwakan
Vomon kpanotudan

Bo wuna   wushiron
Bo wuna  difon
Bo wuna kewon
Bo wuna hyiudon
Bo wuna bashidon
Gokulo wuna nan  ka jinyaagom
Ndadu dodom a tuforon

Ando bo dodom jedan na bwara
Ando bo dodom jizeyin na bwara
Ando bo dodom jibaagon na bwara
Ando bo dodom jinogon na bwara
Ando bo dodom bashito ne do

Dyegnomle wuna bo dile
Diyomle wuna bo byelo
Boyom sa wuna leyo
Bowuna mwaka byelo ngba vwei
Nzobyalato bwara dugno bodu wun
Nduba ya dego tufe nagi godi
Ando bo deyo hiutono hungom

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Tenseworld Production said...
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